
7 8:02ish: I'm fine, mom
Well. my ears were slightly fuzzy and very sensitive. I could hear everything. I was not having a good time.

7 8:48: I'm alright
Same story, except my tongue feels... off. Don't know quite what it is, but it doesn't fit snugly in my mouth.

7 9:02: I'll pay more attention next time
Who has the patience to sit through an hour of math and pay attention to every minute of it? Of course I'm not going to know the answer. I'm too busy trying to guess which animal's tongue I got.

7 9:35: Just have a sore throat
A shifted throat. Don't know why it's acting up so much today. Normally I can be a bit more human than this mess. It's just frustrating.

7 9:40: Nothing to worry about
At this point it probably is, but who's going to care about that.

7 9:55: I understand
Do I really need to elaborate

7 10:02: Oh of course
Those things do not naturally follow. You are reading way too much into this poem.

7 10:05: I'd love to explain
Can we please move on please this is so dumb

7 10:15 I agree with your interpretation, it definitely says alot about how death affects life
This entire class period is going to be like this, I'm just going to pause for now. I'll tally it but it's going to be pretty much the same sort of stuff


7 10:48 Nice to see you again
Could be, but it's a lie to say it so certainly. I honestly don't know at this point, whether it's worth it to associate with you. I mean, we talk alot. But are we friends? You do most of the talking, and barely tolerate my various annoyances. Can't cut my nails enough for you, cause they randomly turn into clawtips

7 10:52: It's been alright
See above hours. The day has not been alright.

7 11:02: how are you?
For this "friend", well. Not a lie in the traditional sense, but it implies I care when I, infact, do not.

7 11:10 I've got nothing going on
I've got ears that are *so sensitive* in a *very loud lunchroom*

7 11:12 oh that's interesting
I'm only associating with them because it'd be pretty awkward if I didn't. I've only got like 4 friends, can't really afford to make an issue like this just because I'm neutral to someone.

7 11:15 I need to work on something
This isn't due for weeks but at least I can have a minute where I stop having to pretend to care. I really didn't realize I'm like this. It feels like I've been tricking myself too. These little lies are so obvious now.

7 11:25 I deserve a little treat
I did take one, but I don't know if I deserve it. Why do I lie so much.

7 11:48 I'm not writing the whole thing here again. It's a long bullshit speech to answer a question I didn't really know the answer to.
It's a lie by pretending to understand. Those are quite explainable at least, everyone does that when put on the spot.
Actually, I'm not going to write these repetitive ones. I'll keep writing the unique ones

I'm doing fine: ||||||
I understand: |||

7 12:37: feeling a little under the weather is all
There are alot of ants and I can smell and see EACH ONE. I cannot focus on class.

No lie here but why am I shifting so much right now. Usually I only have to deal with a few issues. But I've got sensitive ears, nose, slightly wrong instincts, powerful eyes, and some degree of issues with just, understanding what's said? Why can't I just control it like I used to. Why can't I have it easy again. It's so annoying to have to hide each bit of fluff and scales, it's way too warm under these layers.

7 1:22: That's okay
I really wanted to continue the conversation, but what's the point in admitting that? It won't make them talk more, and it's not like I should pressure them to continue when they say the don't want to

7 2:00 (silence)
Well, it's a bit of a misrepresentation of myself, to act like I'm not invested in that conversation I'm overhearing. Why do you feel so much need to say shit about people. Oh no, someone's a bit weird! Why do you have to spend the entire class period mocking them. What'd they do to you??

7: 4:28 love you too
This one I already knew. I understand that I had to learn to be human but did you have to be so.. Mean about it? It hurt. You hurt me. You had to know that, right, mom?

That's enough. He's right. At least about this.
No idea what it really means, though.
